Saturday, May 5, 2012

Another Viewing in JB

Today, we have been for another viewing but this time nothing fruitful. Unexpectedly, this two weeks there are not much new listing for unit we want in LF or HH. Just wonder is it due to the 2 holidays in a month and falls on super long weekend. Beginning to feel a bit worry as time is running short. We have to shift out from our current unit by end of this month. Yes, END OF THIS MONTH OMG! We have yet to secure a unit, our stuff has not even packed to the extend that are ready to move anytime, have not even know of any movers that will do the job to move us to JB……. Suddenly felt very stressed and 擔憂, we still need to go to work on weekdays………

May God blessed us to have a smooth moving out.

PS: Oh, yes, the traffic condition (at Causeway) is ok for us as we drive in as early as 7am. Usually, Saturday's morning smooth entering time is b4 8am. And returning timing is after 2pm - no jam.


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