Friday, April 20, 2012

Welcome to my JB好D Blogsite

I’m a Singaporean and myself and my family (husband (Edmund),  child (Nathaniel) and MIL) soon will be resided in JB (would be renting a unit either Leisure Farm (LF) or Horizon Hills (HH).

Most importantly is to note that we still need to come back to Singapore every day because we are still working in Singapore and my kid is in Primary 6 this year (wow, PSLE!!).

So, 所以独乐乐, 如众乐乐, I shall be sharing with u guys from the stretch:  the process of looking for a unit till moving and the pro and con of residing in JB. Also, I believe most of u are more interested to know how how we would be able to cope with the everyday parts and hassles of travelling in and out JB and SG (especially beating the massive traffic jam) and whether could we be able to live happily ever after in JB.

I hope every aspect of our daily encounters in and out of JB will be able to present in this blog for all of you as a reference.

My blog will be categorized in the following:

1)   D
2)   吃好D
3)   D
4)   买多D
5)   方便D
6)   麻烦D
7)   , D
8)   D

Hence, stay tune for more.

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